Awards and recognition with a good food and many door prizes including 40 pairs of tickets and 2 Team Packages to the Fraser Valley Bandits Basketball games at their new home at the Langley Events Center and 60 pairs of tickets to BC Lions games.
We welcomed the well known and highly regarded Coach, Rich Chambers, as our Guest Speaker, this being his third appearance.
A player from each team, displaying the highest leadership and dedication to his team as selected by his Head Coach, was acknowledged with the Coaches Award (sponsored by the Fraser Valley Bandits).
A Builders Award was made in recognition of the dedication and work in starting and developing the BC Grade 9 Boys Provincial Championships that began 25 years ago. Terry Lescisin (Semiahmoo, Athletic Director, ret’d), Jim Lamond (now Principal at Belmont Secondary), Ross Tomlinson (former Basketball BC and now President of Tri-City Basketball, formerly the Steve Nash League) and Steve Pettifer (ret’d Centennial teacher and basketball Coach and longtime Director of the BC Gr9 Provincials) were recognized as the Builders. The Award noted that since the BC Gr9’s inception, 4,752 players of 396 teams representing 120 schools have been a part of these Championships.
The Rich Goulet Award – For Basketball Lifetime Achievement was presented for the years 2021 to Ken “Doc” Dockendorf of Maple Ridge and 2022 Rich Chambers of Centennial and Terry Fox by David Goulet, representing the family of the recently passed great coach and leader, Rich Goulet.
Pics and vids to be posted in the media section shortly.
And those of you that attended, please send us some of your best shots so that we can add these to our media section.