Teams | Player of the Game | Scoresheet | |
Wildcard – Friday – Feb 22, 2020 |
1 | Maple Ridge Ramblers 66 vs Rick Hansen Hurricanes 60 |
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2 | Pt. Grey Greyhounds 68 vs Rockridge Ravens 34 |
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3 | North Surrey Spartans 38 vs Charles Best Blue Devils 50 |
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4 | King David Lions 41 vs Guildford Park Sabres 59 |
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Wildcard – Saturday – Feb 22, 2020 |
5 | Maple Ridge Ramblers 73 (OT) vs Pt. Grey Greyhounds 66 |
scoresheet | |
6 | Charles Best Blue Devils 37 vs Guildford Park Sabres 62 |
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7 | Pt. Grey Greyhounds 60 vs Charles Best Blue Devils 55 |
scoresheet | |
Provincials Day 1 – Thursday – Feb 27, 2020 |
1 | Richmond Colts 70 vs Pt. Grey Greyhounds 72 (OT) |
#13 Pt Grey Jaron Palaschuck |
scoresheet |
2 | Maple Ridge Ramblers 68 vs Guildford Park Sabres 54 |
#10 MR Mason Lemmen |
scoresheet |
3 | KLO Cougars 51 vs Yale Lions 47 |
#5 KLO Walker Sodara |
scoresheet |
4 | St George’s Saints 58 vs Oak Bay Bays 35 |
#5 St George’s Rocky Shepard |
scoresheet |
Provincials Day 2 – Friday – Feb 28, 2020 | |||
5 | WJ Mouat Hawks 76 vs Pt. Grey Greyhounds 67 |
#9 WJM Amaan Sandhu |
scoresheet |
6 | Dover Bay Dolphins 55 vs Burnaby South Rebels 66 |
#13 South Malik Hussien |
scoresheet |
7 | Okanagan Mission Huskies 45 vs Maple Ridge Ramblers 32 |
#8 OKM Ben Herbert |
scoresheet |
8 | Kitsilano Blue Demons 65 vs Argyle Pipers 70 (3 OT) |
#1 Argyle Gavin Archer |
scoresheet |
9 | Van College Fighting Irish 90 vs KLO Cougars 38 |
#1 VC Mikyle Malabuyoe |
scoresheet |
10 | Walnut Grove Gators 56 vs Elgin Park Orcas 62 |
#12 Elgin Adam Olsen |
scoresheet |
11 | North Delta Huskies 26 vs St George’s Saints 57 |
#8 St G Blake Wardell |
scoresheet |
12 | Heritage Woods Kodiaks 49 vs Sir Charles Tupper Tigers 53 |
#4 Tupper Kaylan Bambao |
scoresheet |
18 | WJ Mouat Hawks 51 vs Burnaby South Rebels 54 |
#22 South Andy Chen |
scoresheet |
20 | Okanagan Mission Huskies 41 vs Argyle Pipers 30 |
#8 OKM Ben Herbert |
scoresheet |
22 | Van College Fighting Irish 76 vs Elgin Park Orcas 53 |
#1 VC Mikyle Malabuyoe |
scoresheet |
24 | St George’s Saints 47 vs Sir Charles Tupper Tigers 65 |
#4 Tupper Kaylan Bambao |
scoresheet |
Provincials Day 3 – Saturday – Feb 29, 2020 | |||
13 | Richmond Colts 64 vs Guildford Park Sabres 55 |
#20 Richmond Minhal Abbas |
scoresheet |
14 | Yale Lions 41 vs Oak Bay Bays 34 |
#9 Yale Ryken Brandsma |
scoresheet |
15 | Pt. Grey Greyhounds 60 vs Dover Bay Dolphins 36 |
#20 Pt Grey Will Hyland |
scoresheet |
16 | Maple Ridge Ramblers 40 vs Kitsilano Blue Demons 52 |
#8 Kits Finn McDougall |
scoresheet |
17 | KLO Cougars 59 vs Walnut Grove Gators 70 |
#10 WGSS Brendon Kim |
scoresheet |
19 | North Delta Huskies 63 vs Heritage Woods Kodiaks 42 |
#13 ND Harvi Hothi |
scoresheet |
21 | Guildford Park Sabres 70 vs Oak Bay Bays 47 |
#23 GP Harsh Smagh |
scoresheet |
23 | Richmond Colts 61 vs Yale Lions 56 |
#23 Richmond Minhal Abbas |
scoresheet |
25 | Pt. Grey Greyhounds 59 vs Kitsilano Blue Demons 34 |
#13 Pt Grey Jaron Palaschuck |
scoresheet |
26 | Walnut Grove Gators 40 vs North Delta Huskies 50 |
#11 ND Hamraj Litt |
scoresheet |
27 | Burnaby South Rebels 40 vs Okanagan Mission Huskies 47 (OT) |
#14 OKM Ryan Dekleva |
scoresheet |
28 | Van College Fighting Irish 65 vs Sir Charles Tupper Tigers 47 |
#1 VC Mikyle Malabuyoe |
scoresheet |
29 | WJ Mouat Hawks 51 vs Argyle Pipers 57 |
#10 Argyle Nick Frers |
scoresheet |
30 | Elgin Park Orcas 71 vs St George’s Saints 64 |
#12 Elgin Adam Olsen |
scoresheet |
31 | Dover Bay Dolphins 44 vs Maple Ridge Ramblers 55 |
#11 MR Jordan Longmuir |
scoresheet |
32 | KLO Cougars 49 vs Heritage Woods Kodiaks 53 |
#1 HW Delgen Sherriff |
scoresheet |
Provincials Day 4 – Sunday – March 1, 2020 |
33 | Oak Bay Bays 46 vs Richmond Colts 55 |
#13 Richmond Alex Chang |
scoresheet |
34 | Guildford Park Sabres 53 vs Yale Lions 58 |
#9 Yale Ryken Brandsma |
scoresheet |
35 | Dover Bay Dolphins 47 vs KLO Cougars 61 15th – 16th |
#2 Dover Yutao Zhang |
scoresheet |
36 | Maple Ridge Ramblers 37 vs Heritage Woods Kodiaks 50 13th – 14th |
#11 Heritage Nathan Teng |
scoresheet |
37 | Kitsilano Blue Demons 57 vs Walnut Grove Gators 62 11th – 12th |
#10 WGSS Brendon Kim |
scoresheet |
38 | WJ Mouat Hawks 55 vs St George’s Saints 45 9th – 10th |
#24 WJM Jot Toor |
scoresheet |
39 | Pt. Grey Greyhounds 47 vs North Delta Huskies 53 7th – 8th |
#13 ND Harvir Hothi |
scoresheet |
40 | Argyle Pipers 46 vs Elgin Park Orcas 45 5th – 6th |
#7 Argyle Carson Park |
scoresheet |
41 | Burnaby South Rebels 66 (2 OT) vs Sir Charles Tupper Tigers 59 3rd – 4th |
#23 South Thomas Suson #1 Tupper Jeremy Roldan |
scoresheet |
42 | Van College Fighting Irish 53 vs Okanagan Mission Huskies 44 1st – 2nd |
#23 VC Kai Gibbons #14 OKM Ryan Dekleva |
scoresheet |